So far I've been disappointed with the Zune HD due to failure rates and also other small nit picky issues I have with it. I might stay away from this a little while longer maybe next year. Maybe for now I might get a PSP and work on some mods for that. In Case you weren't aware The PSP does all the same things as a Ipod touch or Zune Hd and in most cases does it better. I Want a PSP for the dual analog mod and the emulator mods. I also like gaming on the go I often am playing a game on my phone when I'm at restaurants or otherwise places when I have time to kill. The Zune HD is a disappointment to me They don't have enough support behind it and not nearly enough marketing. They should have stopped trying to one-up the Ipod touch by adding all this extra stuff so therefore they forgot the most important part: The player itself. They should have waited a while before the put it on shelves. We would have waited if Microsoft had released it with a strong line up of apps to compete with ipod touch. I also would have liked it if they thought to add support right in for windows mobile apps which would have right away caught them up to ipod app store. Otherwise they should have got a few developers to come out with about 10 apps that were all diverse and provided for free to give us a taste of what's possible. I can look past a whole host of things when it comes to the Zune. The commercials before the games load up it makes the whole experience feel wrong. it's flat out startling to me to see a commercial for KIA when trying to play a cheesy game. Some say as long as it's for free but come on the most powerful company in the world next to Exxon does not need a commercial to provide something for free. Think about it if they are shameless enough to do that what else are they going to do later down the road. have commercials and previews in the middle of listening to albums from the zune store? I don't get either why microsoft just is incapable of releasing things that actually work. The zune has had a concerning failure rate for so few people to have bought it. Oled screens are already failing! REALLY?! Really the oled wasn't necessary. I've seen LCD screens with just as good contrast. Ive watched whole movies on my cell phone and the screen looks very nice on that. I really don't get the O.S. decision. Here's why: the one big problem with the Zune HD o.s., even thought on the skin it's very responsive and snappy and quick thanks to the tegra chipset included, but the major problem is that the O.S. is very limited and to me just feels shallow. Really all they should have done was take windows mobile 7 add multi touch put the little 3d interface to show off tegra that's nice I like that, Expand on the media player and give wpm mobile some upgrades tie it in to the homescreen add some depth to the media player and adjust video playback. If they did that 70% of the zune hd's problems would have been solved. The app store would have been easier to build up. There would have been a deeper os. Basically I'm saying I would have been happy with the zune hd with winmo 6.1 with multi touch support and a Media player on steroids and of course the improved web browser. That WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT TO ME. The screen issues wouldn't be as bad if it weren't for the fact that the screen is the products major selling point. we would expect the screen issues to be worked out. I hope it'll all be worked out by next year but for now I'll stay away from the zune hd.
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