At best Buy I had a chance to try out a few new things most notably and relevent Wii Motion plus. The Wii motion plus worked and i could tell immediately. I could actually tell the controller was actually capture my movements in 3D space rather than detecting motions. The booth was set up ready to go with Wii Sports Resort. The first thing i tried was wakeboarding (having actually tried it this past week)I had a frame of reference to what it felt like and knew what it should act like. I was impressed by the intuitiveness of the new add on in the way that the presets motions were so good in this particular game it could be easily mistaken for true 1:1 motion. The game felt extremely natural and didn't feel as if i had to jerk the controller to get it to register the difference was day and night in this particular instance. the motion was smooth and easy. Next I tried basketball. This game was very well done. the motion capture actually registered like actually taking a shot in real life. Finally my favorite game Ping pong (or table tennis whatever) felt the most natural unlike other supposed ping pong simulators on Wii that i have played it felt like i was whipping the controller rather than actually doing what you would do in real life. This was the first time i actually enjoyed playing Wii.
I also had oppurtunity to test different headphones. I tried the extremely acclaimed as much as it is overpriced, Beats by D.R.E. The sound quality wasvery nice and i di enjoy it however i could never see paying more than $50 for headphones (I'm a Cheapskate) Let alone 300. First of all they cost more than the MP3 player itself and for that much they better do alot more than just play music. I Want more than a flashy package underneath that packaging i want bluetooth a remote control (more portability.) thats about all worth talking about.